Cooperative Organizing Learning & Growth Tool

This tool is meant to help you and your co-op: be as forthright as possible. Take this as an individual: after reading and considering each statement, fill out a number/ assessment that you feel best applies to your co-op

Co-op Education Graphics Toolkit

These done-for-you resources can be used freely by your co-op to introduce the foundational cooperative principles via irresistably shareable graphics and printables.

Green Top Grocery Capital Campaign Case Study

In 2016 Green Top Grocery (GTG), a startup in Illinois ran the highest startup capital campaign to date.

P7 Starts Here!

Discussing ideas for how to use a mutual aid and community organizing framework to build power within your community.

Mutual Aid and Organizing

Understanding the relationship between emergency relief efforts during the current crisis and the longer-term objectives of opening a cooperative grocery store.

Marketing & Messaging Guide

Messaging will greatly impact your co-op’s initial sales, and they need to be planned well in advance of your store’s opening.

Setting Ownership Goals

This presentation helps you set realistic goals for your owner recruitment efforts.

Member Equity Toolbox

Learn about the steps needed to start recruiting owners, and how to grow your ownership numbers.

Vision 1: Components of Vision

Learn how a clear “Vision” of your goals helps create a stronger developing team and community engagement for your food co-op.