Getting Started

New to food co-ops? Start with these resources and give us a call if we can help.

Getting Started

The FCI Guide to Starting a Food Co-Op

As an organizer working to start a food co-op, you’ve likely asked yourself but where do I start?

Let’s Start a Food Co-op: What Do We Do First?

You are interested in a food co-op, but don’t know how to get started? Here’s the introduction you have been looking for.

La Guia De FCI Para Iniciar Una Cooperativa De Alimentos.

Esta publicación ha sido un esfuerzo cooperativo entre todas las personas que se esfuerzan por construir la economía cooperativa compartiendo nuestro conocimiento y experiencia.

Developing a Budget For a Food Cooperative

Budget planning begins early in the startup process and continues through every stage. Get a good start.

A Food Co-op In Your Community

What is a food co-op and what does it bring to your community? Co-op staff talk about their experiences and explain how important the co-op is to shoppers and the community as a whole.

QuickStart Online Course

FCI QuickStart™ is designed for new startup food co-op board members to rapidly get them up to speed on the responsibilities of the board and on the basics of the startup food co-op development model.