What We Do

Our Vision

We envision a world where every community has the power and ability to build a thriving cooperative food system that provides them with the food they need and want.

Our Mission

Food Co-op Initiative partners with communities to build a more just food system, providing critical support as they organize and open community-owned grocery stores.


Provide expert guidance and resources on how to start a strong and sustainable food co-op

Facilitate opportunities for food co-op organizers to connect with each other about challenges and successes

Co-create strategies for overcoming systemic barriers to community- controlled food access with food co-op organizers experiencing the greatest barriers

Serve as an advocate for the startup food co-op movement, ensuring startup needs and voices are present within the larger food co-op movement

Promote the food co-op model as a tool for food sovereignty, racial justice, and equitable community development


Our Vision

Strengthening Communities Through Cooperation

We envision a world where every community has the power and ability to build a thriving cooperative food system that provides them with the food they need and want.

Our Mission

Food Co-op Initiative partners with communities to build a more just food system, providing critical support as they organize and open community-owned grocery stores.

The specific outcomes FCI works to achieve, in priority order, are these:

Food co-op organizers will have access to:

  • Relevant information, tools, best practices, and resources.
  • Effective training.
  • Ongoing technical advice and support.
  • Peer learning.
  • Sufficient grant and loan resources.

Diverse communities will be strengthened because:

  • Residents will be healthier and better fed.
  • Civic engagement and empowerment will be greater.
  • New jobs in democratic workplaces will pay living wages.
  • The tax base will expand.
  • Prospects for future development will be improved.

Institutions that invest capital and enact public policies will have:

  • Increased understanding and appreciation of the value and impact of food co-ops.
  • A greater commitment to providing resources for their development.

Help Us Support New Co-ops

We want to keep our services and resources free and accessible to those who need them the most. If you have benefited from what’s offered here, or simply love your own local co-op and want to see more co-ops, consider a donation in any amount.